
Application for MBR based WWTP

It has been estimated that more than half of the water used in manufacturing processes is currently going down the drain.

Wastewater reuse and recycling can significantly reduce the cost of water-intensive processes while protecting dwindling water supplies.

But increasingly strict regulations demand better means of wastewater treatment, paving the way for equal (and potentially universal) access to high-quality effluent for non-potable reuse.

Applications of Membrane Bioreactor

MBR Treatment is applicable to many economic and developmental sectors, including commercial, municipal, industrial, and water reclamation.

As per research, the use of the MBR process for water reclamation can reduce the demand for portable quality water om local supplies. Likewise, it can also reduce the pollution from waste discharge of industries into local water bodies.

Municipal Treatment: 

MBR treatment is ideal for municipal activated sludge filtration. In an experiment to gauge the effectiveness of this water treatment, MBR was found to remove suspended solids, 95% COD reduction, 100% nitrification, and 82% denitrification.

Industrial Treatment: 

MBR-based WWTP is well suited for reducing industrial waste and managing it effectively. Industrial plants commonly consume more than a million gallons of fresh/potable water per day. Therefore, MBR is proven to provide a great way for reusing wastewater and creating a positive impact on local environments.

Water Reclamation: 

As the MBR process can be utilized on a small scale, it can pull wastewater directly from the sewer at remote points of reuse. Further, due to its small footprint and relatively easy operation, it is gaining popularity. 

MBR based WWTP can also be used in the following industrial, or commercial activities:

  • Automobile industries
  • Oil & gas companies
  • Fertilizer & solvent extractors
  • Iron & steel industries
  • Pharma industry
  • Petroleum refinery
  • Dye & chemicals unit
  • Pulp & paper industry

The application for MBR in WWTP can be many. As the world’s population is growing, the demand for water supply is increasing, while the actual supply is limited. Therefore, treated wastewater for industrial usage will prove to be beneficial.

Imemflo MBR module from the makers of ATB WATER GmbH [Germany ] winner of GreenTec-Award have integrated skills and expertise in water and wastewater treatment technologies.

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