MBR Sewage Treatment Plant
imemflo MBR provide design, engineering & MBR Solution for advance & compact Sewage Treatment Plant.
Various industries generate Sewage from kitchen, administrative building and Labor & staff colonies. It includes household waste liquid from toilets, baths, showers, kitchens, sinks and so forth that is disposed of via sewers.
The objective of sewage treatment is to produce a disposable & reusable effluent. imemflo MBR based Sewage treatment includes physical, chemical, and biological processes along with Ultra / Micron Filtration sysetm to remove soluble organic and inorganic impurities from domestic wastewater.

Industries can recycle treated sewage water for various application i.e.

Cooling tower make up

Boiler feed

Toilet flushes

Gardening & Irrigation

MBR Effluent Treatment Plant
Effluent Treatment plant is used for Treating waste Water coming out from different manufacturing process, where fresh water comes in contact with different types of chemicals and materials used for processing the raw materials and get converted into the polluted water. Untreated waste Water is hazardous for the environment and need to proper treatment before discharge.
imemflo MBR based next generation Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP) can be most advance, cost Effective& technically proven system Suitable to treat the wastewater and deliver excellent Class A water Quality suitable for re use as well as discharge.
We undertake detail designing of MBR based Wastewater Treatment plant along with supply of imemflo MBR to various industries & capacities as per the client’s requirement.
The objective of sewage treatment is to produce a disposable & reusable effluent. imemflo MBR based Sewage treatment includes physical, chemical, and biological processes along with Ultra / Micron Filtration sysetm to remove soluble organic and inorganic impurities from domestic wastewater.

Industries can recycle treated industrial waste water for various application i.e.

Cooling Tower

RO Feed
