Both MBR and SBR technologies are biological process based on active sludge principle. The main difference is, MBR is a continuous process whereas SBR is a batch process.
MBR process is designed, based on filtration technology where UF/MF membrane are submerged in the activated sludge basin while SBR works on batch process involving single/double tank. Each batch undergoes Filling, Aeration, settling and decanting process.
The key advantages of MBR over SBR
Lower Footprint
A typical MBR design will operate at high MLSS of up to 12,000 mg/l.
Whereas SBR is designed to have MLSS in the range of 3500 mg/l.
Secondly, the biomass concentration in MBR technology has an overall 50-70% smaller footprint than the SBR system.
Moreover, SBR cannot operate at elevated biomass concentrations. The sludge cannot settle in distinct layers when the MLSS gets above 6,000 – 8,000 mg/l.
On the other hand, in MBR there is no problem in settling as there is a physical barrier present in MBR for separation.
Superior Effluent Quality
MBR membranes have an effective pore size of less than 0.04μ which delivers superior effluent quality having less than 1 PPM TSS and 1 NTU Turbidity while in SBR technology a bare quality of less than 5 ppm TSS and 5 NTU turbidity is only achieved.
Reduced Sludge Production
MBR system produces less sludge than the SBR system. This is possible due to MBR’s ability to operate at much longer sludge retention times (SRT).
Ease of Operation
To achieve reuse quality water, the SBR system needs a higher level of filtration including tertiary treatment and ultrafiltration whereas MBR technology does not require tertiary filtration. This reduction in processes further improves system reliability and makes it user-friendly.
Both the process is used in treating wastewater. However, MBR is said be to be effective due to less number of stages in process, lower operational requirement, high quality effluent and reduced footprint than SBR.