
MBR Vs. Conventional WWTP

MBR technology has been applied to a wide range of wastewater treatment applications. The range varies in capacities as small as, an individual bungalow to large-capacity municipal plants. 

MBR system is the combination of biological and membrane separation processes. The biological process is an activated sludge process (ASP) which is similar to the one used in a conventional wastewater treatment plant. 

MBR technology has rapidly taken over conventional wastewater treatment plants for a number of reasons. 

The advantages over conventional activated sludge systems include 

  • Smaller Footprint
  • High-quality effluent
  • Less sludge Production
  • User friendly
  • Short commissioning time

In addition to above, the membranes are robust and reliable, with an exceptionally long life as compared to conventional tertiary treatment. 

MBR technology is ideal not only for upcoming plants but also for the upgradation of existing wastewater treatment plants.

The MBR process offers greater operational flexibility and can handle large variations in hydraulic and organic loading. 

Both the processes are used in treating wastewater. However, conventional process being a lengthy and space consuming, it’s almost discarded and replaced by newer technologies. On the other hand, MBR is a ‘state-of-the-art’ technology which is very effective due to a smaller number of stages in process, lower operational requirement and high-quality effluent.  

Imemflo MBR module from the makers of ATB WATER GmbH [Germany ] winner of GreenTec-Award have integrated skills and expertise in water and wastewater treatment technologies.

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