Waste Water Treatment

Waste Water Treatment

Have you ever thought for alternate source of water or new source of water?

While using water more efficiently should remain the top priority, we also need to take a look at alternative sources of water, including those we can harvest at the building level. Providing alternative water supplies in buildings & industries can also help achieve passive survivability—maintaining livable conditions when electricity, heating fuel, or municipal water are lost for extended periods of time.

In identifying alternative sources of water, the first consideration is what those sources will be used for. Potable water, which we can use for drinking, cooking, and bathing, among other uses, must meet a high level of purity and safety. Non-potable water is less pure but, when handled properly, it can be fine for landscape irrigation, makeup water for cooling towers; RO feed application, and toilet flushing. Many alternative water sources are best suited to non-potable uses, though some can be made potable with additional treatment.

imemflo examines the spectrum of unconventional water sources that can be used in and around buildings & industries.

imemflo support to design our OEMs & End user an advanced ‘plug and play’ Onsite MBR wastewater treatment system featuring the submerged imemflo MBR Mirco / ultra filtration modules. imemflo provide is engineering solution to provide a high quality effluent, treated to Class A standards and suitable for a variety of reuse applications.

Factory tested imemflo sumberged Micro & ultrafiltration Modules, Pre Engieeried Controller help our customer & user to make quality Waste water treatment and make it easy more user firendly.

The pre-programmed Controller system includes full process Monitoring and data logging functions. Full telemetry including remote control is available as an option. imemflo Controller is designed to require minimal operator supervision making it ideal for installation in remote locations.

imemflo Treatment Process

The imemflo Membrane Bio Reactor waste water treatment system incorporating the following process stages:


Working Principal

The imemflo Membrane Bio Reactor waste water treatment system can be described as one part of a biological process where small microbes degrade pollutants before being filtered by a collection of submerged membranes.

imemflo MBR is housed in modules that are, in turn, assembled into cassettes and installed in a tank (called an MBR). Air introduced through integral diffusers scours membrane surfaces during filtration, mixes the tank and provides oxygen to the biological process.

A growing body of research suggests that properly designed and operated imemflo MBR systems offer several advantages over conventional technologies in terms of protecting public health and improving sustainability including but not limited to:

Use as pre-treatment for reverse osmosis (RO) systems Improved removal of micro pollutants (micro constituents) Reduced disinfection requirements.

Imemflo MBR module from the makers of ATB WATER GmbH [Germany ] winner of GreenTec-Award have integrated skills and expertise in water and wastewater treatment technologies.

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